Dudka Art

Digital Art Illustrator | Concept Artist


People know me as Dudke. I have been drawing since I remember. A few years ago I took digital painting seriously and now I am a freelance digital illustrator. I focus on private commission requests, a few commercial projects, and also personal growth.
2024 is a year of changes for me. I decided to go full freelance for a living and start my first commercial projects. I'm quite active on social media and try to interact with other artists and also fans of my work. This year I will be looking for new work opportunities and connections that can help me grow as a digital artist and freelancer.
There will be plenty of content and I am planning new things for those who want to support my work and gain some extra content. Stay with me on this journey! It's going to be fun!

Commission Info

- I am interested in private commissions and commercial projects such as book covers, accessories, prints, and collaborations. By commissioning me you agree with my Terms of Service, so make sure that you read through them and there is nothing that bothers you.
- Please, think carefully about your request; gather good and clear references, write down detailed and easy-to-understand descriptions, and think about the pose, color palette, and mood of the artwork.
- Then, contact me! Feel free to use Twitter/X, email, or Discord (add me as @sneakydudke and write "Friendship is magic, so is the fireball." as a first message - otherwise I won't accept your message and ignore the request!)
If you're not sure about some custom details, you can always ask! I will try my best to answer ASAP and help.
- See the details about the pricing below. Based on the information about your request, I will decide on the final price and discuss the details.

Price list

SizeSketchColored SketchRender


How to commission?

Use Google Forms Request

Send me an email with the formula below:
1. Client Details:
Contact info: Leave here your social media link/discord @/email.
PayPal Email:
Sharing Email: I'll use this email to give you access to a folder in a Google Drive made especially for your commission.
2. Commission Details
Type of Commission: See price list.
How many characters do you request on one artwork: In the Tarot Cards option, I will not accept more than 2 characters on one artwork.
Detailed background: Yes / No
Artwork description: Special wishes such as pose, colors, mood, expression, dynamic, etc. Please, make sure your description is written clearly and includes everything you want me to paint. If something is unclear to me I will do as I prefer and make art look good. I tend to ask questions and show updates during my work but the more details I know before starting the better.
References: Character reference sheets, mood boards, samples of poses / angles / expressions, and any other relevant files or links.
Character info (optional): Tell me more about your character! Their name, short story, personality, occupation, etc. The more information about your character I have the better! This way I know with whom I deal with to show more personality.
Extra information (optional): For example, what format of files do you need, custom resolution, etc.
3. Credits & CopyrightsHow will you be using this work? (Please, see my ToS for more information.)
(Personal / Non-Commercial / Commercial)
May I publicly stream/share the work while WIP? Yes / No
How shall I credit you when posting publicly? If you don't want me to reveal your identity publicly, fill this bracket with "anonymous".
Do you have a hard deadline? Rush order fees may apply!
By commissioning me you accept my Terms of Service. Do you agree?


- I have the right to use my artwork for self-promotion and commercial usage (e.g. prints, exclusive online content), however, I do not claim the copyrights of the characters but to the artwork itself.
- All commissioned works are intended for personal, NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY. Commissions cannot be used for advertisements or on products, cannot be mass-produced, or used for profit.
- I do not sell copyrights to my artwork. Buying permission for commercial usage doubles the final price.
- Do not use my art to train ANY generative Artificial Intelligence algorithm.

Payment & pricing

- Upfront payment is required.
- Optionally, for the new clients, payment can be split into an upfront deposit of 50% of the final project price, and then the balance of 50% right after accepting the final version of the project and before sending the files to the client.
- The first payment should be completed after both sides, me and the client, agree on the commission details and pricing.
- After the commission is accepted, I will send an invoice via PayPal.
- All payments should be in USD unless, during the process of commissioning, we agree on a different currency.
- Any complex features (e.g. wings, tail, horns, scales, fur, if they are significant, complicated outfit, detailed armor) will increase the price of the commission.


- I usually work along with the client, send updates ask for feedback, and ask questions if something is unclear to me.
- The communication method is up to the client. I accept DMs on Twitter (X), BlueSky, Discord, or Email.

Deadlines & delivery

- Completing one commission takes me usually a few days for a portrait and a few weeks for a full-body. I usually give information about the predicted time for each commission type to finish.
- ETA can be prolonged depending on the complexity of the artwork or due to personal issues like work, life strains, illness, or even stress. I always try to communicate about the delays.
- I deliver finished artworks via Google Drive link with your name, where they will be always available for you to download.
- I am not planning to delete accounts where they are stored but it is recommended to save all the files on a personal device for safety measures.


- Revisions are requests for corrections BEFORE the final piece has been accepted and sent to the client.
- If the finished piece needs some changes that weren't mentioned earlier, the client has the right to one free revision. Any further corrections will cost extra (5-10% of the base price per correction).


- If I have started working on the commission after the client has accepted the sketch, I do not give refunds, unless in exceptional circumstances. By agreeing to my terms the client pays for the work I do, not just the finished product.
- If the commission is canceled, I will send money back to the client based on the work I put into the piece with the current state of the commission, via the same method I received the first payment.
- I have the right to cancel a commission at any time for no reason, however, I will always try to explain my reason. I will also send all the money I received back to the client if I do so.
- I have the right to decline a request that I'm not comfortable with.


My email: [email protected]
Discord: @sneakydudke
DM me on Twitter or BlueSky

[When contacting me on Discord, write "Friendship is magic, so is the fireball." as a first message - otherwise I won't accept your message and ignore the request!]